Probiotics fights bad germs as well antiseptics

Another benefit of probioticsA type of “good” bacteria may be just as effective as preventing infections such as pneumonia in hospital patients as commonly used antiseptics, researchers suggest.

Scientists have discovered that a probiotic called Lactobacillus plantarum 299 was as effective in eliminating dangerous germs as antiseptic chlorhexidine and may help prevent upper respiratory problems like ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).

The study, found in BioMed Central’s open access journal Critical Care swabbed the mouth of 25 patients with probiotic and 25 with the typical antiseptic.

The researchers concluded that the probiotic was a safe alternative to the antiseptic and reduced the risk of pneumonia as effectively as antiseptic.

VAP is a common among patients on ventilators and is caused when a patient inhales harmful bacteria into the lungs from the mouth throat or breathing tube.

Researchers say the probiotic they studied has some additional positive effects. Because antiseptic chlorhexidine can cause problems from tooth discoloration to allergic reaction, researchers think L. plantarum 299 may be a better than other health resources for patients.

L. plantarum 299 is present in saliva and can be found in pickles, sauerkraut and other fermented foods.

According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, patients with continuous mechanical ventilation are six to 21 times more likely to contract hospital-associated pneumonia than patients not on mechanical ventilation.