Older Pediatric Patients More Likely To Have Crohn’s Disease Surgery

Pediatric patients who have been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease (CD) may be less likely to need surgery, according to findings published in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. CD is a chronic inflammatory disease that causes damage to the gastrointestinal system, and is commonly treated with medications. However, as individuals are diagnosed with the illness

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Marijuana May Make Libido Problems Worse

Though plenty of natural herbal supplements are thought to have a positive effect on libido troubles, recent research has suggested that marijuana is not one of them. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men who use cannabis are more likely to suffer from sexual dysfunction. The study’s author said that previous

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Studies Link Protein to Cholesterol Levels

Two new studies have found a possible reason for the high cholesterol epidemic across the country. Researchers have been using fruit flies to understand the effects of cholesterol in the body. According to the studies, the flies have the same molecular mechanisms as humans that helps them maintain healthy cholesterol levels. The first study, published

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Why Lingering Radioactive Matter Can Trigger Airport Scanners

Tighter airport security requirements can make traveling a bit more frustrating. Especially with the implementation of the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) new full-body image scanners. But imagine being stopped when you set off the alarms—and having no clue as to why it’s happening. You should know that some diagnostic tests—such as heart, bone or thyroid

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A Natural Nutrient To Help Preserve Your Precious Memory

Alzheimer’s disease is NOT a normal part of aging, but the risk of getting it does increase with age. For example, researchers estimate that about 3 percent of men and women between ages 65 and 74 have Alzheimer’s disease. This increases to 10 percent by age 80 and nearly 30 percent for those ages 85 and older. Early symptoms differ by individual, as well as day-to-day. Some signs

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Vitamin D-rich foods may help maintain good memory

Eating oily fish which are high in vitamin D may help protect humans against cognitive decline and other memory problems, scientists have said. A team of European researchers has demonstrated that higher levels of vitamin D are associated with improved cognitive function in middle-aged and older men. The study compared the cognitive performance of more

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Increased Amino Acid Intake May Lower Mortality Rate

Taking supplements that are enriched with amino acids may improve one’s longevity, according to a study published in the journal Cell Metabolism. For this trial, a team of researchers gave middle-aged male mice water that contained the amino acids, and then compared their overall health to a control group. After observing the animals for several

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Go dark for your health this Valentine’s Day

It wouldn’t be Valentine’s Day without enjoying a box full of chocolates. But health experts and dieticians are encouraging Americans to forgo milk chocolate this year, in favor of dark chocolate – which is linked to cancer prevention. “Dark chocolate has a higher percentage of healthy antioxidants, without the increased sugar and saturated fats added

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