Tutoring can benefit older volunteers’ health, says study

Many people over 55 know that herbal supplements can improve memory and increase energy. New research suggests that tutoring young students can have a similar benefit. Researchers from the Washington University in St. Louis and Johns Hopkins University found that tutors in the Experience Corps program experienced significantly less depression than the control group and

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Can soybeans be used to relieve menopausal symptoms?

A soybean component has been shown to promote health in an animal model of the menopause, according to Taiwanese scientists. The research, conducted at the National Chiayi University in Taiwan, suggests that the compounds in question called soy aglycons of isoflavone (SAI) may be used as nutritional supplements to lower cholesterol and increase the anti-oxidative

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Insomnia linked to ‘fat’ hormone

While several studies have pointed to a possible connection between poor sleep habits and weight gain, scientists have identified a hormone that stimulates appetite and is affected when people do not sleep properly. UCLA researchers studied the level of ghrelin, a hormone in the stomach that increases appetite, among both insomniacs and those with healthy

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