Is Your Body in Balance? Check Our List and Find Out!

It’s no secret that your body is made up of about 70 percent water. Every one of your 100 trillion cells is filled with water. And every other chemical in your body—from the stomach acid you need to digest food… to the blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells of all your organs—either contain water or are suspended in water.

For you to be healthy that water needs to have a healthy pH balance. The letters “pH” mean “potential of hydrogen” and the measure of how acidic or alkaline your body is ranges on a scale from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most alkaline).

You will achieve optimum health much easier—and avoid getting sick—when your organ tissues stay in a slightly alkaline environment, or about 7.0 to 7.5 as measured by saliva.

Is an acidic pH balance behind YOUR symptoms? Simply answer these questions:

  • Do you suffer from high blood pressure, a failing heart or other heart problems?
  • Do your joints feel stiff, inflamed and painful or do you suffer from bone loss?
  • Has a doctor told you that your blood sugar levels are too high or too low?
  • Are you finding it more difficult to get a good night’s sleep?
  • Do you suffer from constant fatigue or energy crashes after meals?
  • Do you frequently endure cramping, constipation, heartburn or other digestive problems?
  • Do you sometimes feel depressed, negative and cranky?
  • Have you noticed that your ability to solve problems or to remember details is lacking?
  • Do you sometimes suffer from shortness of breath or other lung problems?
  • Do you experience pain, numbness or tingling in your hands, legs or feet?
  • Is your skin or hair aging more rapidly than it should?
  • Do you notice that your eyesight or hearing is fading at an alarming rate?
  • Do you suffer from low sexual desire or performance problems?
  • Do you contract infections more often with each passing year?

If you answered “YES” to one or more of these questions, there’s a good chance that you may be suffering from acid overload. In addition to the best nutrition you can consume, the next step is to supplement with alkalizing minerals.