Electrode Treatment May Lead To Better Depression Relief

A new treatment method may prove beneficial for patients with depression, according to findings presented at the annual National Institutes of Health conference. Individuals who have developed this mood disorder are commonly treated with medications. However, the use of these drugs can result in a variety of side effects, including drowsiness, nausea and weight gain.

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Study shows how acupuncture helps regulate pain

Pain is a common condition which all too often causes Americans to reach for medications, some of which may have side effects, but modern science is helping us understand the mechanisms behind acupuncture’s beneficial effects in the treatment of pain. Researchers from the University of Michigan have demonstrated that the ancient technique increased the binding

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Peanut allergies may be treated using alternative approaches

Doctors have seen promising results in children with peanut intolerance when they treated them with small doses of the allergen, an approach similar to one a homeopath would take. Experiments conducted at Duke University Medical Center and Arkansas Children’s Hospital relied on a carefully administered daily dose of peanuts and resulted in the participating children

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Alternative Medicine May Help Relieve Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause in women is associated with the lowering of estrogen levels and cessation of reproductive fertility. With significant individual differences, women may experience a variety of bothersome symptoms as they go through that phase, including hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, mood swings, weight gain and fatigue. In the 1990s, hormone replacement therapy became popular, but new

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Arthritis Flare-Ups Could Permanently Damage Your Joints!

The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can cause uncomfortable aches and pains in your joints. But be aware that what you might consider random flare-ups could result in permanent damage to your knees, hips, hands and feet! New information found in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the Journal of Rheumatology and several leading textbooks on rheumatoid

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Scientists Report Finding How To Regrow Hair Lost Through Stress

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, have reported discovering a way to regrow hair lost to stress, after studying the connection between the brain and gut with colleagues at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System. They wrote in the journal PLoS ONE that they began by raising mice with a genetic variation

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Study: Antioxidants May Be Detrimental to Muscle Function

While many people take with antioxidants in order to lose weight, a new study is suggesting taking too many can cause harm to a person’s muscles. According to researchers from Kansas State University, antioxidants may be responsible for impaired muscle function. Because antioxidants can prevent or slow the oxidative damage in the body during psychical

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