Test Predicts Adverse Reactions To Prescription Drugs

Some herbal supplements and alternative medications entail a benefit that many prescriptions do not – a low occurrence of side effects. Recently, researchers created a computerized tool that may be able to accurately predict the many possible adverse reactions caused by traditional medications. Their conclusions, which appear in the International Journal of Medical Engineering and

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Study shows sex drive patch may not work

The testosterone patch designed to boost a woman’s sex drive after womb and ovary removal may not be effective or safe in the longer term, according to Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin. Intrinsa was recently approved in the UK for the treatment hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) based on evidence suggesting that a fall in sex

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Study: Vitamin C nutritional supplements improve inflammation

Taking nutritional supplements that contain vitamin C can help lower the body’s concentrations of a central biomarker of inflammation, new research suggests. Researchers from the University of California-Berkeley found that healthy, non-smoking adults who had heightened levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) benefited from daily nutritional supplements containing vitamin C. After two months, these participants saw

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Study links grapes to long-term heart benefits

A grape-enriched diet may prevent heart damage after years of high blood pressure, according to a new study. Scientists from the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center studied benefits of grapes beyond just lowering blood pressure which a diet rich in fruits and vegetables has long been known to facilitate. In fact, they looked at specific

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Flu-fighting foods

You’ve heard that chicken soup can help cure the aches and pains associated with the flu and now experts are touting the benefits of some other flu-fighting foods. Registered dietician Andrea Garen says that a healthy diet is important all year round, but particularly during the flu season. “Adding flu-fighting foods like yogurt, garlic, citrus

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