You Can Reverse Your Worst Heart Problems in 30 Days!

Why do drug companies not disclose that their cholesterol-lowering drugs cause a deficiency of your essential Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) levels? In Canada, the disclosure is mandatory if the drug inhibits your amounts of CoQ10. But here in the United States, if you take statins and are unaware of the side effects you could suffer from:

  • Serious heart problems
  • Deterioration of critical heart muscle
  • Low energy levels and extreme fatigue
  • Poor circulation
  • Chest pain
  • Skipped heartbeats

If you are in the at-risk group of patients taking Lipitor®, Crestor®, Zocor® or Mevacor®, then you need to replenish your depleted CoQ10 levels so you can experience healthy blood pressure levels, protection from memory loss, improved cell structure, endless amounts of energy and relief from recurrent headache pain.

CoQ10 is the energy spark that all 100 trillion of your body’s cells need to thrive. Plus, your heart must have this essential nutrient since it uses 10 times more CoQ10 than any other organ in your body. 

By supplementing with CoQ10 patients have experienced remarkable clinical results. Within 30 days of taking the CoQ10 supplement, 75 percent of patients reported fewer heart rhythm disturbances, 66 percent of patients reported diminished chest pain and 50 percent fewer patients suffered from future cardiac events. Plus, after only eight weeks 87 percent of patients had restored heart function.

After more than 1,000 published medical studies, CoQ10 is proven to be one of the most critical nutrients for your cells, heart and brain. Be sure to include this potentially lifesaving solution for optimum cardiac and neurological health well into your 90s and beyond!