Researchers Say Purple Fruit, Green Tea May Prevent Degenerative Brain Conditions

A recent study conducted at the University of Manchester determined that drinking green tea and eating blueberries and other purple fruits may decrease the likelihood of neurological degeneration. Published in the journal Archives of Toxicology, the paper claimed that illnesses like Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease are caused by iron that is not

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Alternative Medicines Help Kids With Asthma

Using dietary supplements and other alternative treatments is something that millions of Americans do in order to stay strong. Now, researchers have announced that many urban adolescents with asthma use alternative and integrative medicine for their pulmonary health. A study conducted at the University of Cincinnati found that 71 percent of participants between the ages

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Study Suggests Previous Mortality Rate Timeline for Certain Elective Surgeries May Be Wrong

Even though such as calcium can help keep bones strong and healthy, some people may have to resort to surgery to fix their discomfort. A new study suggests that the previous mortality rate for patients post-op recovery may be wrong. While previous studies have indicated that the heightened risk of death during recovery for patients

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Supplementation with potassium citrate may prevent kidney stones, study finds

Scientists have discovered that children who take nutritional supplements with potassium citrate while on the ketogenic diet to control epilepsy may avoid developing kidney problems. The ketogenic diet is high in fat and low in carbohydrates and is sometimes prescribed to children who do not respond well to medications. However, it can lead to painful

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