Protecting the heart in a stressful economy

Stress can affect a person’s health in a negative way – and the current economic situation offers may reasons for Americans’ stress levels to rise. A number of UCLA cardiologists have offered recommendations on how to protect your heart health during challenging economic times. Dr. Karol Watson offered his tips as good advice for the

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Can Pollution Damage Your Heart Muscle?

If you have diseased coronary arteries, then your health and safety may depend on you avoiding heavily polluted areas. A new study suggests tiny particles in polluted air can cause a short circuit in your heart’s electrical wiring. A recent study monitored 48 Boston-area patients hospitalized for either a heart attack, angina or worsening symptoms

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The Easiest Way to Sweep Plaque and Toxins from your Bloodstream so You Never Have to Worry About a Heart Disaster

It might surprise you to hear that as early as age 10, you could start to accumulate fat in your arteries. Over the years it continues to build up and by the time you’re 50, your arteries are likely full of thick, sticky plaque and too narrow for optimum blood flow. This leaves you at

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Yoga sandals relieve achy feet muscles

Millions of people suffer from foot aches, and the affliction is perhaps more aggravated at the end of winter when our feet have spent months in tight-fitting shoes. However, alternative therapies such as yoga may help relieve the pain. In that vein, Beech Sandal Company has created new sandals which it claims deliver the necessary

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Lower birth weights associated with mother’s stress

Many pregnant mothers maintain a full work week well into their pregnancy, either to take longer maternity leave or simply because they can’t afford to stop working. However, Dutch scientists at the University of Amsterdam recently published research that suggests mothers-to-be should try to avoid work-related stress, particularly in their first trimester. The team revealed

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New Study Slated To Discover Broccoli Benefits For Osteoarthritis Sufferers

Eating broccoli may help stave off osteoarthritis, according to a study conducted at the University of East Anglia in England. This is because nutrients found in the vegetable help prevent compounds that lead to joint degeneration. Osteoarthritis is a disease that causes gradual destruction of joint cartilage, especially in the hands, hips, spine, knees and

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