High-Cholesterol Diet May Be Linked To Brain Damage

Scientists at the Laboratory of Psychiatry and Experimental Alzheimers Research have found that a chronic high-fat cholesterol diet may lead to brain damage. The researchers noted that the onset of Alzheimer’s disease can begin up to 30 years before symptoms appear and that high cholesterol levels have been linked to this illness. Therefore, the scientists

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Sugar consumption linked to aging

New research from the University of Montreal sheds light on the mechanism behind high sugar intake’s aging effects. Scientists have long believed that the by-products of sugar breakdown in the cells for the purpose of energy production were the main culprits behind the aging process. However, a team of researchers from Montreal was able to

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Research finds role of apples in cancer prevention

A Cornell researcher has conducted six studies in the past year that all point to the beneficial impact of apple consumption on risk of breast cancer. In his latest study Dr. Rui Hai Liu, associate professor of food science and a member of Cornell’s Institute for Comparative and Environmental Toxicology, looked at the development of

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Study: Antioxidants reduce toxicity from lead

Antioxidants have long been recommended by health experts in order to help prevent deadly diseases such as cancer. Now, new Spanish research has found that antioxidants may also be able to reduce the toxic effects of lead poisoning, Science Daily reports. The scientists suggest that the process works because lead poisoning creates free radicals that

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Stress at work can heighten stroke risk

The effects of a stressful job may be more dangerous than you think, a new study from Japan suggests. Research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that occupational stress was strongly linked with a man’s risk of suffering a stroke. For women, on the other hand, the connection wasn’t found to be as

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Vitamin D Could Affect Cognitive Function Of Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Many individuals realize the positive effects of vitamin D, and how the nutritional supplement can keep bones strong and healthy in addition to treating certain pains. However, a new study is suggesting that patients who suffer from multiple sclerosis (MS) in addition to having low vitamin D levels may also suffer from physical disabilities or

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Soothe Your Irritable Bowels With Exercise

More than 30 percent of Americans suffer from chronic abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea or heartburn—all symptoms of a disorder called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). But new findings show simply getting your body moving can help alleviate your worst tummy troubles! According to the International Journal of Sports Medicine, regular exercise can help patients find

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