Vitamin D may help diets succeed

Many Americans embark on diet plans for general health or weight loss reasons but new research has suggested that an individual’s vitamin D levels may predict how many pounds he or she will lose.

Researchers are currently learning whether vitamin D deficiencies cause excessive weight gain, or whether people first become obese and it this leads to a depletion in the levels of this nutrient.

A study has just been completed to see if a person’s initial vitamin D levels before dieting would affect their weight loss, and the team from the University of Minnesota learned that those with higher levels of the vitamin experienced an increased loss in abdominal fat.

Dr. Shalamar Sibley explained that the results indicated those who hope to lose a significant amount of weight could benefit from having adequate levels of vitamin D in their system.

“Our results suggest the possibility that the addition of vitamin D to a reduced-calorie diet will lead to better weight loss,” she said.

While more research needs to be completed to prove the vitamin’s full efficacy, people may still want to take a nutritional supplement with vitamin D to promote overall health.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19224306-ADNFCR