The weight-loss benefits of protein

Protein can help people maintain a healthy weightYou may already be aware of the importance of getting enough protein to help maintain muscle – and may even be taking nutritional supplements for this purpose – but did you know that sufficient protein intake could also help you lose weight?

In an Australian study, the fat-burning potential of a group of overweight and obese people was found to be higher when they consumed protein during a meal.

The findings, published in the journal Nutrition and Dietetics, show that a low-carbohydrate and high-protein meal increased the amount of fat burned directly after eating – bringing this rate in line with that of normal-weight people.

Previous research has indicated that those who carry extra weight may not be as efficient at burning fat as thinner people.

Lead researcher Dr. Marijka Batterham told Reuters Health that protein could be the key to correcting this disparity.

“Our research suggests that people with higher body fat burn fat better after a high-protein meal than people with lower levels of body fat,” she commented.

Protein is also important for helping the body repair and create cells, maintaining healthy bones, cartilage, skin and blood.