Study: Weak Bones May Run in the Family

Grandsons may have weaker bones because of grandparentsIt may be a good idea to take such as vitamin D for bone strength as a new study is suggesting that grandparents who have weaker bones may pass it down to their grandchildren.

According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, grandfathers who have hip fractures serve as a link to low bone density and reduced bone size in their grandsons.

The study examined 3,700 grandparents and their grandsons and found that 270 of the grandsons had low bone density. All of these individuals were related to grandparents who had broken their hips.

It was found that it was the grandfathers who were the main link to bone density, as opposed to grandmothers.

Researchers feel these findings should inspire medical professionals to look into family history when looking at bone strength.

“It’s important for health professionals to ask whether grandparents have had hip fractures,” said lead researcher Mattias Lorentzon. “This is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis.”ADNFCR-1960-ID-19588371-ADNFCR