Study: ‘Good’ fats beneficial for female diabetics

Study finds certain fats can help diabetics improve body compositionNew research suggests eating certain types of fats can help diabetics reduce their body fat.

According to Reuters, the study appearing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that obese women with type 2 diabetes were able to change their body composition by taking containing conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) or safflower oil over a four-month period.

The study included 35 obese women with an average age of 60. Each took either 8 grams of the safflower oil supplement or 8 grams of the CLA supplement every day for 16 weeks.

Researchers say the women showed a small decline in body mass index and shed a couple pounds of body fat while on CLA. While taking the safflower oil, the women lost body fat in the midsection and gained some muscle mass. Their blood sugar levels showed a general decline as well.

In addition to taking , the study’s author says working polyunsaturated oils into the diet can be beneficial. Using safflower oil in salad dressings or using it to cook vegetables is an easy way to take advantage of its healthful benefits.

CLA, on the other hand, is harder to get through diet.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19405271-ADNFCR