Study Finds Prescription Drug Poisoning Is On The Rise

Mixing prescriptions could be fatalIt may be safer to take for ailments as opposed to prescription drugs as a new study shows that poisoning as a result of prescription drugs is on the rise.

Research published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that hospitalizations as a result of poisoning by opioids, sedatives and tranquilizers have increased 65 percent between 1999 and 2006.

The scientists find this statistic as an alarming realization that individuals may be misusing prescription medication, which could potentially be fatal depending on the dosage or mixing.

“Prescription medications are just as powerful and dangerous as other notorious street drugs, and we need to ensure people are aware of these dangers and that treatment services are available for those with substance abuse problems,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Jeffrey H. Coben.

Coben went on to say that it’s important that physicians and pharmacists stress the importance of being careful with prescription drugs, as they could be potentially fatal if handled in the wrong manner.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19706670-ADNFCR