Study Finds Busier Women May Think Less About Their Nutrition

Study finds women with hectic schedules pay less attention to what they eatSome nutritionists feel that an alkaline diet high in fruits and vegetables may be an easy way to keep weight off.

A study published in Health Education and Behavior found that middle-aged women who are too busy to focus on their diets have a higher risk of obesity.

The study looked at 200 women with an average age of 46 and asked them about their concerns with their eating habits. The researchers also measured the subjects’ body fat percentage, waist size and body mass index (BMI).

The results showed that women who were the most concerned with their diet and tended to focus on their family’s nutritional intake scored the lowest in weight, whereas impulsive eaters weighed the most overall. Impulsive eaters were categorized as those who ate something on a whim, regardless of how hungry they were at the time. They also don’t pat attention to the nutritional value.

The researchers felt that the more the women in the study were preoccupied with other things, the less time they thought about their dietary intake.

“Health and nutrition may be important to them, but convenience often wins,” said dietary expert Lona Sandon. “It is very challenging to come up with solutions to help these women lose weight if they are not willing or able to give up something else in their life.”ADNFCR-1960-ID-19499772-ADNFCR