Stressful Childhood Experience Linked To Increased Risk Of Depression, Anxiety

Stressful Childhood Experience Linked To Increased Risk Of Depression, AnxietyHealthy adults who were faced with abuse during their childhood may be more likely to suffer from physiological issues, according to findings published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology.

For the study, a total of 69 men who ranged in age from older teenagers to adults in their 60s underwent a series of psychiatric tests. The team then surveyed each individual about their childhood, and found that 19 men suffered from moderate to severe neglect or abuse as an adolescent.

The questionnaire was followed by a social stress test participants had their vital signs monitored and gave blood samples.

As a result, blood samples taken from men who were mistreated as boys had high levels of interleukin-6, an inflammatory marker that is associated with depression. The researchers concluded that larger study groups will be needed to determine if a stressful childhood will increase one’s risk of developing a mood disorder.

Linda Carpenter, lead author of the research, stated that “we’re not yet at a point, where we can say to help people ‘Go get your stress test done.'” She added that “but what’s clear is that a life of excess stress-induced inflammatory chemicals in your bloodstream is unlikely to be a good thing.”

Currently, one in 10 adults in the U.S. suffers from depression, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports.