Stress at work can heighten stroke risk

Work stress can take a health tollThe effects of a stressful job may be more dangerous than you think, a new study from Japan suggests.

Research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that occupational stress was strongly linked with a man’s risk of suffering a stroke. For women, on the other hand, the connection wasn’t found to be as significant.

The scientists assessed two factors in relation to the workers’ stress level: how demanding the actual job was and how much control each person felt they had over their daily work life.

After an initial assessment of more than 6,500 subjects, they were followed for the next 11 years. Participants worked in a variety of different careers, from laborers to professionals.

The researchers discovered that those in high-strain jobs – which were demanding but offered low control – were twice as likely to have a stroke as those in low-strain jobs – which were not very demanding and offered high control.

Although the link was weakened when other health factors were taken into account, the scientists propose that work stress is a factor that can affect otherwise healthy individuals.

People looking to reduce their risk of stroke may take nutritional supplements to help boost their heart health.
