Strength Training May Help with Muscle Pain for Female Workers

Neck and shoulder pain can be common with working womenA new study suggests that while such as magnesium may help ease muscle pain in the neck and back, exercise may also help ease the discomfort.

The study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, found that when women were exposed to strength training exercises with dumbbells, they experience a muscle build up that helps the tenderness and tightness of the upper trapezius muscle.

Research found that two-thirds of women in office jobs experience pain in their upper trapezius muscle, which may be a result of doing tedious computer work.

The study consisted of 42 working women who were split into groups utilizing a 10-week strength training exercise program, general fitness or counseling on diet and health regimens respectively.

It was found that the women who participated in the strength training experienced 50 percent less pain, and that those in the general fitness and control groups did not experience a significant decrease in discomfort.

The researchers noted that the strength training encouraged women to overcome their fears of using the muscles that hurt them, leading them to exercise more and decrease the tightness.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19531221-ADNFCR