Specific Vegetable Oil May Help Reduce Body Fat

To get plenty of essential oils and vegetable-based nutrients, individuals of all ages may consider taking herbal supplements or a daily multivitamin.Plant oils and essential oils have been used for thousands of years for their unique health-enhancing properties. They appear in herbal supplements and vitamin pills. Now, scientists have added one more extract to the list – sterculic oil, which researchers think may be able to help the body burn belly fat.

A study conducted at the University of Missouri found that oil distilled from the Sterculia foetida plant appears to block an enzyme in the human body linked to insulin resistance.

In North America, the plant is found mainly in Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Its resin gives of a pungent odor, hence its name, which is derived from the Roman god of fertilization and manure, Sterquilinus, and the Latin word for “stinking,” fetidus.

Regardless of the plant’s smell, its oil may help the overweight slim down. Researchers added sterculic oil to the feed of laboratory rodents, and after 12 weeks the team found that those who consumed the oil had less body fat than their peers.

To get plenty of essential oils and vegetable-based nutrients, individuals of all ages may consider taking herbal supplements or a daily multivitamin.