Researchers find that music may relax patients suffering from breathing complications

Researchers find that music may relax patients suffering from breathing complicationsAccording to scientists from Drexel University, patients who suffer from breathing complications and receive treatment through mechanical ventilation could benefit from listening to music. The scientists note that this type of therapy may help to relax patients and relieve their stress.

The National Institutes of Health reports that individuals who require mechanical ventilation may experience numerous complications throughout their treatment, such as cardiovascular or pychological issues.

The researchers suggested that those who require breathing ventilation also tend to suffer from stress and anxiety.

For the study, a total of 213 patients participated – all of whom suffered from various conditions such as heart disease and trauma injuries and were on mechanical ventilation.

When the subjects listened to music that was either prerecorded or live, their anxiety and stress as well as their heart and breathing rates were reduced, compared to the effects of standard care.

Joke Bradt, of the department of creative arts at Drexel and the study’s lead researcher, said while the further investigations should be conducted, listening to music “is an easy treatment to provide” and that many types of patients could improve their stress management with this therapy.