Researchers Find More Evidence That Green Tea May Prevent Glaucoma

Drinking green tea could keep vision intactWhile there have been previous studies that have focused on the many health benefits of the found in green tea, a new study has found more evidence to back up the notion that green tea may help fight eye diseases such as glaucoma.

According to findings in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers have found that the catechins in green tea are one of the many antioxidants that have been found to protect the eye from certain diseases.

Researchers used laboratory rats to determine how catechins passed into the tissues of the eye. It was determined that the antioxidants pass from the stomach through the gastrointestinal tract into the tissues of the eye.

The scientists found that the retina absorbed the highest amount gallocatechin, and their aqueous humor’s absorbed epigallocatechin.

Researcher Chi Pui Pang noted that previous studies had not been able to determine how the catechins passed from the stomach to the eye tissues and that their findings gave a better insight to alternative health resources that can protect the eyes.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19735196-ADNFCR