Researchers Find Effective Method for Lead Poisoning Testing

Scientists have determined a scale to test for lead poisoning in childrenScientists have discovered a new, effective method of predicting lead poisoning risk, which could help individuals get earlier before harmful side effects occur.

The United States is currently looking for ways to determine exactly who should be tested for lead poisoning, as it can be an unnecessary cost. However, researchers from Michigan State University have found that there could be an accurate and cost-effective alternative.

“The key benefit of our method is that it identifies even more of those children who need testing and will lead to fewer unnecessary tests,” said Stan Kaplowitz, principal investigator on the project. “Hence it will improve the health of children and families at less cost to the taxpayers.”

Researchers created risk scores for more than 500,000 children in Michigan who were tested for lead poisoning between 1998 and 2005 and found that using scores based on race, Medicaid eligibility and socio-demographic characteristics would be better indicators for individuals who are at a higher risk of lead poisoning compared to a universal testing system.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19654605-ADNFCR