Research: St. John’s wort herbal supplements ease depression

St. John's wort effectively treats depressionHerbal supplements containing St. John’s wort are just as effective as prescription antidepressants for treating depression, researchers say.

Findings published by German scientists in the journal Cochrane Review reveal that St. John’s wort was as successful as standard antidepressant drugs such as Prozac – and boasted fewer side effects, too.

The researchers, led by Klaus Linde of the Center for Complementary Medicine, analyzed 29 studies, taking into account nearly 5,500 participants, to reach their conclusions.

“Overall, we found that the St. John’s wort extracts tested in the trials were superior to placebos and as effective as standard antidepressants, with fewer side effects,” Linde commented.

However, he emphasized that people should consult with a doctor before starting the supplements, as they may interact with other drugs a patient is taking.

St. John’s wort comes from a plant with yellow flowers called Hypericum perforatum. Its extracts were first used in ancient Greece for medicinal purposes and it has since been used to treat conditions such as nerve pain, anxiety and sleep disorders.