Research explains impact of obesity on sexual dysfunction

Research explains impact of obesity on sexual dysfunction A new article in Obesity and Weight Management has shed more light on the link between erectile dysfunction (ED) and excessive weight.

In the report, researchers from the University of Colorado Denver and the University of Pennsylvania describe a 48-year-old patient who was mildly obese and suffered from hypertension and ED. They explain that the man was able to achieve erections after a multifaceted intervention that included dietary counseling (allowing him to lose 4.6 percent of his body weight) and efforts to reduce blood pressure.

In the article the scientists propose that the build-up of atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries can damage their lining and contribute to elevated blood pressure. In addition to atherosclerosis, the hormonal changes that accompany obesity, including lower testosterone, increase the risk of ED.

“If you are looking for another reason to lose weight, research now suggests that erectile dysfunction can improve with weight loss,” comments James O. Hill, editor-in-chief of Obesity and Weight Management.

Among natural health resources that can help shed unwanted pounds are the alkaline diet and physical exercise. Natural health practitioners can also be consulted about nutritional supplements that may boost sexual health.