Protein In Honey May Contribute To Advancing Antibiotic Developments

 Protein In Honey May Contribute To Advancing Antibiotic DevelopmentsA recent study has found that honey could be used in antibiotics, according to a report published in the FASEB Journal. In fact, researchers have found that when bees make honey, they add defense-1, a protein in their immune system that combats bacteria growth.

During the trial, investigators controlled the honey-making process in test tubes, and then introduced samples containing the compound to viruses that were proven to be resistant to antibiotics. After examining the bacteria, the results of the study showed that the protein-rich honey had slowed the growth of viruses cells.

The researchers concluded that by isolating this compound, defense-1 may lead to further developments of stronger antibiotics.

“We’ve known for millennia that honey can be good for what ails us, but we haven’t known how it works,” said Gerald Weissmann, editor-in-chief of the journal. He added that “now that we’ve extracted a potent antibacterial ingredient from honey, we can make it still more effective and take the sting out of bacterial infections.”

People who prefer natural alternatives to fighting off viruses may also consider increasing their daily intake of lemon juice and garlic, as a recent report by published by Health and Fitness Times stated that both food sources contain natural antibiotics, which could provide similar results like those of consuming honey.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19890934-ADNFCR