Protein At Breakfast May Keep Snacking At Bay

The team concluded that eating protein at breakfast may reduce the cravings that lead to snacking.Consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, avoiding salted snacks, getting plenty of exercise and taking a daily multivitamin are effective steps toward good physical health. However, many people undercut these practices by snacking over the course of the day. New research has suggested a way to cut cravings early.

Scientists at the University of Missouri found that eating a high-protein breakfast can reduce subsequent yearnings for snack foods. Their results, which appear in the journal Obesity, were confirmed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Researchers had participants eat either a protein-rich breakfast or a normal one, while a third group was asked to skip breakfast every day. After three weeks, MRI scans revealed that individuals who ate a protein-based meal every morning showed the greatest amounts of neurological activity indicating satiety and feelings of fullness.

The team concluded that eating protein at breakfast may reduce the cravings that lead to snacking and weight gain. For those who want to start the day right, adding a dietary supplement to such a meal may ensure adequate daily levels of vitamins and minerals.