Prostate Cancer Often Progresses Further In Obese Men

A study conducted at the Duke University Medical Center found that obese men with the disease have three times the risk of seeing prostate cancer progress to more serious stages.Numerous studies have suggested that focusing on prostate cancer early may help improve health outcomes. Besides taking herbal supplements that contain saw palmetto, men at risk for the disease may consider maintaining a moderate weight, since new research has shown that being obese can increase the likelihood of prostate cancer metastasis.

A study conducted at the Duke University Medical Center found that obese men with the disease have three times the risk of seeing prostate cancer progress to more serious stages.

Also, scientists determined that excess body weight boosts the chances that prostate cancer will spread. Among more than 280 men analyzed over the course of the study, those who were overweight or obese were at thrice the risk of the cancer’s migrating to the bones, and five times the risk of distant metastasis.

This effect appeared regardless of whether or not patients were taking hormone therapy. The research group concluded that maintaining a healthy weight may improve a man’s chances of surviving prostate cancer.

For men who suffer from less serious afflictions of the gland, like benign prostatic hyperplasia, taking a daily dose of saw palmetto extract may naturally reduce swelling and inflammation.