Pregnant Women May Want to Look for Alternative Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections

Cranberry supplements may be a way to treat urinary tract infectionsFor pregnant women experiencing urinary tract infections, it may be a good idea to look into alternative medicine as a recent study found that certain antibiotics might increase the risk of birth defects.

Alternative treatments for urinary tract infection include herbal supplements made from cranberries, blueberries and uva urasi according to Acupuncture is also recommended as a possible treatment for women with recurrent problems.

According to Reuters, a new study in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine suggests that two types of antibiotics, sulfonamide and nitrofurantoins, may contribute to an increased risk of birth defects.

The researchers looked at 13,000 women whose pregnancies were affected by birth defects and 5,000 women who did not have any birth defects. It was found that 30 percent of both groups had used an antibiotic at some point during their pregnancy.

It was found that the antibiotics caused 10 cases of birth defects, and while the researchers were concerned, they admitted there could be other factors.

“It’s important to realize that in every pregnancy, regardless of any medication use, there’s a 3 percent chance of a birth defect,” explained study co-author Dr. Krista Crider.
