Cocoa Flavanols Provide Antioxidant Benefits, Improve Heart Health

Consuming foods enriched with cocoa flavanols may lower blood pressure and protect blood vessel health, according to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Found in fruits, vegetables, tea and wines, cocoa flavanols are nutrients that provide similar benefits to antioxidants, which rid the body of toxins and free radicals

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Antioxidants can help reduce pancreatic pain

In recent years, more health experts have been recommending nutritional supplements or foods that are high in antioxidants, as a way of fighting disease. Now, new research suggests antioxidants may lessen abdominal pain among people who suffer from pancreatitis. Currently, it is very difficult to treat pain associated with pancreatitis because it is not very

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Diabetes Medications Could Help Obese Teens Lose Weight

Parents may want to consider giving their obese children diabetes natural supplements, as a new study suggests that treatments for the disease may help decrease body mass index (BMI) levels. Despite obese adolescents not being diagnosed with diabetes, certain diabetic medications can help them lose weight, according to findings published in Archives of Pediatrics &

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Sugar: It really is addictive

Have you ever found yourself eating an entire bag of chocolate candies – or reaching for yet another cupcake, even though you are full? Science may have an answer for this compulsion – sugar is addictive. A new study found evidence in rats that bingeing on sugar may affect the brain in a similar way

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Cancer center highlights alternative treatments

In an effort to educate the public about some of the natural treatments available for cancer, an Arizona cancer center has launched a new informational website. The site provides information on a number of holistic treatments, with a focus on Insulin Potentiation Therapy, which relies on the hormone to sensitize cancer cells to chemotherapy, allowing

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Scientists Indicate Some Medications May Not Prevent Heart Complications Among Healthy People

Some medications that are used to lower a person’s cholesterol may not be necessary, according to a recent study conducted at Johns Hopkins University. The researchers analyzed the effects that statin-RX had on individuals with high cholesterol and calcium buildup in their arteries. This was compared to healthy participants who were taking statin as a

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Exercise Beneficial for Postmenopausal Women

New research out of the University of California at Berkeley finds postmenopausal women can achieve the same health benefits from exercise as younger women. Researchers put 10 female participants with an average age of 55 through rigorous endurance training for the study. Their findings suggest that exercise without weight loss is an effective method of

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Dietary Improvements May Benefit Skin And Body

Poor diet – especially one that is full of saturated fats and processed foods – has been implicated in a variety of adverse health conditions, including chronic or life-threatening diseases. However, it can also affect appearance, especially the quality of one’s complexion as well as wrinkles and skin blotches. That is why it is particularly

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