Diabetes Medications Could Help Obese Teens Lose Weight

Diabetic medications may help obese kids lose weightParents may want to consider giving their obese children diabetes natural supplements, as a new study suggests that treatments for the disease may help decrease body mass index (BMI) levels.

Despite obese adolescents not being diagnosed with diabetes, certain diabetic medications can help them lose weight, according to findings published in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.

Childhood obesity rates continue to be a growing epidemic in America. According to researchers, 31.9 percent of children are considered either overweight or obese. To help find ways to treat the problem, the scientists began exploring other options.

It was found that patients who took certain diabetic medications for a 52-week clinical period lost 0.9 points of their BMI, whereas teens who were exposed to a diet and exercise program only lost 0.2 points during this time.

However, the scientists are still quick to point out that despite these findings, more research still should be conducted to determine if there are any side effects before physicians start recommending the treatment.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19591149-ADNFCR