Tips for boosting circulation

During cold weather, many people find themselves suffering from circulation problems that affect their toes, fingers and other extremities. British newspaper the Daily Mail has offered some tips to those who may struggle with losing circulation in different parts of their body. First off, the article suggests drying your hands thoroughly after washing them –

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Vitamin D nutritional supplements ‘help protect skin’

Taking a nutritional supplement containing vitamin D could help people with a common skin problem, researchers say. Atopic dermatitis, the most common form of eczema, affects around 15 million Americans, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Symptoms include itching, redness, swelling, cracking and scaling. It had previously been found

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Americans choose herbal supplements to cut costs

In the current economy, Americans are increasingly turning to herbal supplements and vitamins as less expensive alternatives to conventional healthcare. According to the Associated Press, many families are finding that their finances cannot cover prescription drugs and doctors’ visits are instead looking to treat themselves with natural remedies. For example, New Jersey mother Kristen Kemp

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Aspirin use may interfere with prostate test

Using aspirin may significantly lower men’s PSA levels and interfere with the ability of doctors to monitor prostate cancer, a new study suggests. Researchers at Vanderbilt University say that the effects of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on PSA – a blood protein that helps indicate prostate problems – may interfere with diagnosis. After

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Studies Find Health-Boosting Antioxidants In Many Surprising Places

Ongoing research has repeatedly supported the idea that the complex of vitamins known as antioxidants is good for you. At their root, the benefits of antioxidants stem from their ability to reduce the damage caused by free radicals in the body. These nutrients can be found in nutritional supplements and natural foods, including pecans. A

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Childhood diet a factor in adult weight

The way you ate as a child may influence how your body uses and stores nutrients, a new Canadian study suggests. Research published in the Journal of Physiology suggests that environmental factors in early childhood such as eating habits may have an impact on later health. As part of the research, Dr Raylene Reimer and

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