Nutritional supplements and exercise can help circulation

Supplements can aid circulationIf you find yourself with consistently cold hands and feet or a tingling sensation in these areas, you may be suffering from poor circulation.

According to an article in the, people with circulation problems – whose blood does not move adequately through their veins and arteries – can potentially boost their health with nutritional supplements, exercise and a good diet.

The nutritional supplements recommended in the article include B-complex vitamins, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, omega-3 fish oil and herbal supplements.

As far as exercise, a number of simple movements including arm rotations and jumping jacks performed at various periods throughout the day could help your blood continue to circulate.

“Water improves circulation – try it warm or at room temperature rather than iced,” the article suggests.

In contrast, alcohol, soft drinks and sugary beverages may worsen circulation problems, as can eating sugary, starchy or high-fat options.

Some research has also found that nattokinase – an ingredient first used by samurai in Japan – could promote a healthy circulatory system.