New yogurt may limit stomach ulcers and gastritis

Ulcers may be treated with a dairy and egg-based yogurtA yogurt designed to provide cost-effective treatment for H. pylori, a bacteria that causes stomach ulcers, was developed by Japanese doctors and may soon be available in the U.S.

It was studied in 42 patients by researchers for its effect on urea, a marker for the disease, and found that levels dropped dramatically for users of the probiotic-infused yogurt over the course of the four-week study when compared to the control group.

H. pylori, which is more common in the developing world, has been linked to malnutrition and growth impairment.

Although the yogurt is not as effective as antibiotics, according to lead researcher Dr. Hajime Hatta, it tastes the same as normal yogurt and does not have any reported side effects.

The probiotic-based yogurt should not be taken by those who are allergic to eggs or dairy, he added.

Recent probiotic research has suggested its possible use in increasing the effectiveness of certain vaccines, as well as for digestive health.

Stomach ulcers affect more than 20 million Americans.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19088162-ADNFCR