More Stroke Patients May Receive Clot Medication on Weekends

Some stroke patients are given stronger meds on weekendsNew findings suggest that patients who suffer a stroke over the weekend may be given a more aggressive treatment than those who are admitted to the hospital on a weekday.

According to findings in the Archives of Neurology, stroke patients who are admitted on weekends are more likely to receive a clot-dissolving medication tissue plasminogen activator.

The researchers attribute this to the possibility that hospitals may be lacking the large staff on weekends or being short on the medication during the weekdays.

Results indicated that stroke patients on weekends were 20 percent more likely to receive the medication that helps decrease the after effects brought on by a blood clot flowing to the brain, increasing the chances of recovery.

Strokes usually require immediate emergency care because they come unexpectedly, causing doctors to work fast.

Despite the different levels of treatment given during the week, there was still no change in the mortality rate of all patients.

Some medical professionals believe that fruit and vegetable based meals like an alkaline diet may help prevent blood clots.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19561584-ADNFCR