Lead exposure can affect brains of all ages

Lead linked to cognitive declineExposure to lead can continue to wreak havoc on the brain several years later, according to research conducted on workers in Pennsylvania battery plants.

The study, published in the journal Neuropsychology, initially assessed the cognitive functioning of men who were exposed to lead in the 1980s, when they were in their 20s and 30s, as well as a group of workers who were not exposed.

Following up 22 years later, the scientists reassessed each group’s cognitive performance, as well as testing the levels of lead still present in their bodies.

The researchers discovered that lead levels and cognitive test scores were strongly linked, with the most significant association found in men over 55.

According to the authors, the findings suggest lead exposure is “particularly detrimental to the aging brain and that specific cognitive domains may be particularly vulnerable.”

For those who would like to minimize the effects of any environmental factors encountered over the years and boost their cognitive functioning, there are a number of health resources available.

Folic acid, omega-3 fish oil and B vitamins are among the nutritional supplements that have been linked to improved cognitive functioning.