Grape seed extract may also boost oral health

Grape seed extract: more oral health resourcesNutritional supplements containing grape seed extract are already known for their antioxidant properties, but could these attributes mean it can also help protect oral health?

French researchers who tested the extract’s effectiveness at combating the bacteria that causes gum disease say that it has beneficial properties for helping people improve the health of their mouth and gums, reports.

They tested grape seed’s ability to inhibit two types of anaerobic bacteria that are involved in periodontal disease – Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum.

In addition to effectively reducing the level of these bacteria, grape seed extract was found to effectively combat dental plaque – a biofilm which shields and protects the bacteria against antimicrobial agents.

“Proanthocyanidins contained in grape seed extracts have potent antioxidant properties and should be considered a potential agent in the prevention of periodontal diseases,” wrote lead author Aurelie Furiga and colleagues.

According to the National Center for Contemporary and Alternative Medicine, grape seed extract may also be used to treat heart conditions, clogged arteries, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and problems with circulation.