Florida Doctor Suggests Eating More Vitamins Can Lead To Healthy Aging

Florida Doctor Suggests Eating More Vitamins Can Lead To Healthy AgingWPBF news reports that a Florida doctor – Mark Rosenburg of the Institute of Healthy Aging – claims that consuming a certain amount of healthy calories and vitamins could lead to a longer life.

According to Rosenburg, his restrictive diet consists of organic vegetables, fruits, beans, and nuts as well as chicken and fish. He also told the news source that antioxidants are essential to one’s health. Some of these include vitamin C, vitamin B, tyrosine and glutathione.

Rosenburg suggested that maintaining a healthy weight and diet can lead to a reduced intake of toxins that would otherwise cause health problems. Sue Grammond, a nutritionist, told the news provider that while Rosenburg’s plan may not work for everyone, “there is a certain body of research that states that people on the lower end of the body mass index sale, if they are on the thin side, they do live longer.”

The news station also reports that, according to Rosenburg, exercise is important for healthy aging and living longer.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that over the next two decade, the number of Americans who are at least 65 years and older will more than double, accounting for 71 million people in the U.S.