Enzyme may boost energy, encourage subdued appetite

For those who struggle to lose weight, there may be a new answer to their struggle with low energy and a high appetite. Researchers at Yale School of Medicine identified an important enzyme in the brain that may regulate both of these factors.

The team conducted studies on mice and learned that reducing prolylcarboxypeptidase (PRCP) in the brain’s hypothalamus helped better control the animals’ appetites.

According to the results, PRCP affects the hormone that prompts the rate at which one uses energy and how much said individual consumes. Preventing PRCP from reaching this hormone was found to decrease the mice appetites and increase their energy expenditure.

Yet researcher Sabrina Diano explained that the results would help prevent or treat diseases such as type-2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, rather than development of a diet pill.

“[B]reaking down molecules in the brain that regulate metabolism is an important component of weight control,” she summarized.

For those who hope to better control their weight and increase energy levels, there are many nutritional supplements that can help achieve this. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in sugar can also promote weight loss.