Drink milk for heart health

It is well-known that milk can be a healthy, low-fat source of calcium -if you choose the skim or 2 percent versions. However, drinking milk can also be heart-healthy and decrease an individualÂ’s stroke risk by 15 to 20 percent.

At the universities of Reading, Cardiff and Bristol in the UK, researchers have studied if there are more perks to consuming this potentially fat-filled beverage than omitting it from the diet. They used data from a recent report by the World Cancer Research Fund to determine current death rates from heart disease and stroke and what links to cancer may be present.

To summarize, the researchers found that drinking milk may only increase the risk of developing prostate cancer, whereas it decreased the likelihood a person would have a stroke, CHD or suffer from colo-rectal cancer.

Study co-leader professor Ian Givens exaplained, “our review made it possible to assess overall whether increased milk consumption provides a survival advantage or not.” He concluded, “we believe it does.”

To maintain a healthy heart and strengthen bones, some may consider following the alkaline diet. This eating plan centers on the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, tubers and legumes. ADNFCR-1960-ID-19364967-ADNFCR