Could Oats be Good for Clogged and Inflamed Arteries?

Adding oats to your diet may improve your arteriesEating an alkaline diet – which is based on vegetables, whole grains and fruits – may help keep heart issues at bay, as the arteries will stay clear and functioning.

According to scientists from the US Agricultural Research Services, people should begin eating healthier in order to prevent inflammation and clogging of the arteries, which can potentially be fatal if not treated.

The researchers found that consumption of oats may decrease the risk of developing inflammation in the arteries, which can lead to atherosclerosis. Eating healthy can potentially invoke cytokines, which serve as protectors of cells and help repair tissue.

However, there is a potential danger to cytokines, as some may create inflammation while trying to prevent infection. Adapting to a healthier diet like an alkaline may help decrease the pain and damage of inflammation.

The researchers also discovered that oats might also play a role in lowering cholesterol levels naturally. Fatty foods can often result in higher levels, which could bring many health complications and obesity.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19619856-ADNFCR