Berry and grape compound ‘can help stave off cognitive decline’

A compound found in berries and grapes may prevent memory lossA compound found in berries and grapes may help reverse some of the negative effects that aging has on the brain, scientists say.

Researchers at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University say that pterostilbene holds promise for preventing cognitive decline.

The compound, which could potentially be used in nutritional supplements, was fed to aging rats which were then given a set of behavioral performance tests to complete.

According to the scientists, the animals given the highest amounts of pterostilbene performed better than those given a low dosage or no dosage at all.

The researchers also looked at how different stilbene compounds affected oxidative stress in the brain and concluded that pterostilbene was the best option.

Previous studies have found that the same compound shows promise for helping to lower cholesterol levels, as well as fighting certain types of cancer.

For this reason and others, blueberries are sometimes referred to as a “superfood,” full of potential health benefits.