Balanced Diet Conveys Family- And Community-Level Benefits

Consuming natural, wholesome foods may improve more than one's overall health and well-being, according to a dietitian at the University of Missouri.In addition to trying vitamin supplements in order to get adequate levels of nutrients and minerals, adults may want to consider eating balanced meals made with fresh ingredients. Consuming natural, wholesome foods may improve more than one’s overall health and well-being, according to a dietitian at the University of Missouri.

Nutrition expert Robin Gammon recently made a number of dietary recommendations as part of the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program, of which she is manager.

First, she suggested that individuals take their spouses and children to farmer’s markets on shopping day, where each family member can choose a fruit of vegetable they’ve never tried before. In such venues, people can find fresh seasonal produce and even ask growers for cooking tips.

Gammon also said that meal planning should be a family activity, noting that even the hastiest dinners should include all the major food groups.

She explained that the foods one chooses have consequences for the individual, the family and the community. The dietitian added that healthy eating habits can be passed from one generation to another.

“Next time you’re at your local farmers market or grocery store, ask your child to pick out something new to try at home. You might be surprised at what they pick!” Gammon concluded.