Acupuncture can ease the pain of headaches

An ancient Chinese remedy helps headachesAcupuncture seems to be growing more popular in the Western world for treating a variety of conditions, from muscle pain to hot flashes.

New research from Duke University suggests that those who suffer from severe headaches may want to try the ancient Chinese remedy, instead of turning to conventional medications.

The scientists examined the findings of several studies comprised of nearly 4,000 patients and concluded that acupuncture could be more effective than aspirin or similar drugs.

“Acupuncture is becoming a favorable option for a variety of purposes, ranging from enhancing fertility to decreasing post-operative pain – because people experience significantly fewer side effects and it can be less expensive than other options,” commented study leader Dr. Tong Joo Gain.

A total of 53 percent of patients given acupuncture found relief from their painful symptoms, according to the findings published in Anesthesia and Analgesia.

The results come after a recent study found that migraine sufferers who often use medications that contain barbiturates or narcotics may actually end up increasing the frequency of their headaches.