Your Body’s Role In Maintaining Year-Round Immunity

Your immune system is your body’s defense against infectious organisms and invaders. So you must keep your immunity levels in tip-top shape in order to be prepared to fight back when flu season rolls around each November. Your immune system is made up of a complicated network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect your body. For example…

White blood cells—also called “leukocytes”—have the “pac-man” like ability to travel throughout your body and devour bacteria, viruses and toxins that cause disease. The more healthy white blood cells there are in your body—the stronger your immune system. You have two basic types of leukocytes: phagocytes—cells that chew up invading organisms; and lymphocytes—cells that allow your body to remember and recognize previous invaders and help the body destroy them.

Antibodies are specialized proteins that recognize and trap bacteria, viruses and toxins. Once these foreign substances are “tagged”, your body’s T cells—also called “killer cells or NK cells”—can easily destroy them.

However, we previously discussed all the day-to-day obstacles such as stress and environmental factors that can slowly weaken your immune system on a regular basis. This is why you need the combination of nutrients found only in Super Immune5 Plus™ from Health Resources. With powerful ingredients such as astragalus, scute, Reishi mushroom, andrographis and isatis… your body will have maximum immune protection from colds, flu-like symptoms, allergies and more.

Be sure to check your inbox on Tuesday, October 26, for valuable savings toward your order of Super Immune5 Plus™ from Health Resources™. We recommend you maintain and balance your immune system now, since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates cold and flu season runs from early November through March.