Improve Your Outlook After Stroke With Exercise

Layne Lowery

A new study focused on stroke patients determined that those who got out of bed during the 24-hour period following the attack improved their mental well-being and overall mood.

The researchers stated the standard of care is to keep a stroke patient in bed. But the new findings suggest patients who are able to move around could benefit greatly from light exercise.

In the study named “A Very Early Rehabilitation Trial (AVERT),” Tony B. Cumming of the National Stroke Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia examined 71 stroke patients. He wanted to see how early and frequent movement affected their levels of depression and anxiety.

Cumming and his colleagues found that in the group that got out of bed at least twice a day within 24 hours of the stroke were found to be less depressed and less anxious than those who remained immobile for periods longer than 30 hours.

In their report published in the Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Cumming stated that post-stroke depression is a “major concern” and is associated with “less participation in rehabilitation, poorer rate and extent of recovery and increased mortality.”