Sight Saver Doubles as Prostate Protector

You probably know antioxidants can help destroy free radicals that damage cells… promote the growth of healthy cells… and protect cells against premature aging.

One powerhouse antioxidant is lycopene—and it’s naturally present in your blood, liver, adrenal glands, lungs, prostate and skin. Lycopene has long been shown to help fight eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration, but did you know it can help:

  • Protect your skin by reducing the effects of dangerous ultraviolet light…
  • Slow down the growth of cancerous tumors in pre- and postmenopausal women…
  • Prevent the oxidation of “bad” LDL cholesterol…
  • And break up the gunky plaque blocking your arteries!

But that’s not all. Did you know of lycopene’s amazing ability to keep your prostate healthy?

That’s right—the nutrient that gives tomatoes their red color can help preserve your prostate! And if you’re a man over 40—you need an abundance of lycopene to help fight off prostate problems!

A six-year Harvard study of 48,000 men found that those who ate at least 10 servings of tomato-based foods a week slashed their risk of developing abnormal prostate cells by 45 percent.

So if you love carrots, tomatoes, spaghetti sauce and tomato juice, then you are in luck because healthy amounts of lycopene can be found in these nutritious foods.

And, if you want to experience prostate health well into your 70s, 80s and 90s… and have razor-sharp eyesight to boot, then be sure to supplement lycopene, or include it as a main ingredient in your favorite meal tonight!