Flush Decades of Plaque and Toxins from Your Arteries

Peyton Posey

Plaque in your arteries can be a death sentence. Left alone, it sets the stage for a dangerous blockage to your heart or brain—the twin health disasters that kill almost ONE MILLION Americans each year. And that’s scary—because if you’re like most Americans, your arteries are already packed with plaque.

By the time you were 10 years old, small plaque deposits already had a foothold inside you. And every year since, those deposits have grown in size—slowly choking off blood flow to your heart, your brain and every other organ. These plaque deposits can even affect your joints, muscles, eyes and skin—basically every cell in your body!

By mid-life, plaque in your blood vessels begins starving vital organs for oxygen and nutrients they need to function:

  • You may suffer memory lapses and find it harder to reason and react as quickly as you used to.
  • Your blood pressure may rise, your heart can begin skipping beats and you may suffer shortness of breath and occasional chest pain.
  • Your joints begin deteriorating, growing stiff and achy.
  • You have trouble sleeping, your muscles lose strength and your energy levels plummet.
  • Your eyesight and hearing may begin to dim.
  • Your skin begins to lose its youthful glow, wrinkles appear and sexual problems begin to plague you.
  • Your immune system weakens, leaving you susceptible to infections and inevitably catching all the latest bugs.

Studies show that more than one million folks suffer life-threatening heart disasters and more than 700,000 folks experience brain-damaging strokes. You might get lucky and survive—but why
chance it?

More than 50 years of solid, scientific studies have proved that a simple nutrient is both safe and effective at clearing plaque and other toxins from your arteries. In fact, it’s been tested and proven in more than 3,000,000 intravenous chelation treatments and by more than 1,000 doctors all over the world.

What is it? The scientific name is ethylenediaminete-traacetic acid, but it’s commonly known as EDTA. The minute this amazing amino acid enters your bloodstream, it bonds with rogue calcium deposits that have glued fatty cholesterol to your artery walls, and dissolves plaque and flushes it out of your body with your urine.

So if you want to sweep your arteries clear so you never have to worry about a heart or brain disaster… unhealthy cholesterol and blood pressure… or the common problems of aging… then consider the amazing nutrient EDTA. It’s doctor recommended—and has more than 50 years of positive results!