Why Most Americans Are Deficient In Vitamin D

When it comes to optimum health, most of us are deficient in one key vitamin that can help unlock the mystery of common ailments. If you suffer from heart problems, poor circulation, joint discomfort, decreased bone strength, mood swings, blood sugar imbalance and low energy levels, then your vitamin D levels could be seriously low.

This deficiency could be the result of many reasons, but one of the main causes is less time spent in the sun. A moderate amount of healthy sun exposure can provide an ample supply of vitamin D. However, most people don’t get enough, and here’s why:

  • Age­—by age 60, your body doesn’t absorb enough vitamin D levels from the sun.
  • Sunscreen—this decreases your chances of vitamin D absorption from moderate time spent in the sun.
  • Indoor lifestyle—most people spend a majority of their time indoors.
  • Darker skin—the higher the amount of melatonin in your skin the more difficult it is for the sun’s rays to penetrate the skin.
  • Processed foods—the packaged and processed foods we eat contain very little vitamin D.
  • Winter months—this means less sunlight and a decreased chance for healthy sun exposure.
  • Low-fat diets—since vitamin D is fat soluble, when you restrict your intake of healthy fats then you lower your chances of optimum absorption.

Research indicates that low vitamin D levels are associated with increased inflammation from head to toe. Inflammation in your arteries results in more than half of all serious heart or brain disasters. However, by increasing your time spent in the sun year-round and including healthy fats into your diet, you can help overcome some of the challenges associated with vitamin D deficiency.

According to The Vitamin D Council, a high-quality supplement containing cholecalciferol, or vitamin D3, can help boost your vitamin D levels.