How to Clear Clogged Arteries – Issue 23

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, Deadly blood clots that clog arteries and veins cause hundreds of heart, lung and brain problems each year. But researchers say you can add one common kitchen item to your diet to help clear the pathways—and keep your blood flowing freely! You’ll find out what it is—and discover more news and tips

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Heart Failure Could Be Caused by Air Pollutants

If you have a heart defibrillator, you could be in danger from the very air you breathe! This is because air pollution may cause you to develop a life-threatening condition known as ventricular arrhythmia. This specific type of rapid abnormal heart rhythm can cause your heart to beat more than 100 times per minute. When

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Common Drugstore Medications May Do More Harm than Good – Issue 20

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, Your body is designed to heal itself naturally. But sometimes you might look for outside help to try and speed the process. Sounds like a good idea, but… …sometimes you can choose products that might do more harm than good. For instance, thousands of people use common drugstore medications to relieve stomach

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How Alkaline Foods Can Help Boost Digestive Health

Alkalinity can be defined as health, longevity and quality of life. Acidity, in simple terms, and in the minds of natural health practitioners, means sickness and death. If your cells, tissues and organs are acidic, then you should evaluate your diet so that you can maintain alkaline balance. When it comes to foods, you must understand that there is a huge

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Aspirin and Women’s Heart Health – Issue 14

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, Aspirin has long been used to dull throbbing headaches and other body pains. But millions of people also take an aspirin each day to help keep heart problems away. In this week’s Monday Edition of Health News Weekly™, I’ll share the study results that show aspirin therapy may be less effective for

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High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer

A report from the Institute of Medicine indicates the true statistics that show high blood pressure, or hypertension, is a growing epidemic that is often neglected by the American public. The study shows that 73 million people suffer from high blood pressure with another 59 million people already suffering from pre-hypertension. The main reason is

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Cholesterol “Wonder Drug” Pulled as Patient Deaths Rise!

Pharmaceutical drug giant Pfizer recently halted trials of its new cholesterol drug Torcetrapib after an independent safety board discovered an unexpectedly high number of deaths associated with its use! The drug is designed to raise HDL levels—commonly called “good cholesterol”. Drug researchers believed Torcetrapib could be used in conjunction with statins or other drugs used

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Vitamin B3 May Act As An Alternative Treatment For Stroke Patients

Individuals who experience a stroke may want to begin taking the nutritional supplement, vitamin B3, as a new study suggests that it could be an effective treatment to improve neurological function. According to researchers from the Henry Ford Hospital, when rats that experienced an ischemic stroke were given vitamin B3, their brains began to grow

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